Office of Information Technology Services
The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) is the central technology hub for the 10 Maricopa Community Colleges. We keep our students, employees, and community productive, collaborative, connected, and secure online by providing reliable, accessible, and secure enterprise systems and infrastructure.
Productivity Tools
To promote academic success, ITS provides productivity tools that let you get more done, anywhere! These include the Microsoft 365 productivity suite, Google Drive, a student email account, and remote access tools like your Student Center, Webex, Adobe Creative Suite, and more.
ITS Strategic Plan
Our strategic plan details the comprehensive business management processes ITS uses to guide annual operations. The plan informs IT decision-making and provides a framework for prioritizing and implementing IT tasks across the Maricopa Community Colleges' system.
Technology Advisory Group (TAG)
TAG's purpose is to promote the effective deployment of enterprise IT resources to deliver the greatest value for Maricopa to serve the students, faculty, staff, and the communities that we are a part of.
Strategy + Leadership
Our leadership team is committed to providing information technology governance for every facet of our technology enterprise. Utilizing a powerful, integrated cybersecurity system, we employ the latest tools and best practices—such as secure, two-factor authentication—to safeguard tools and systems related to Academic Technology, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Development, Infrastructure and Customer Care, Information Security, and Data Analytics.